Tavga Hushiar Salim

Assistant Professor

College of Health Sciences

Department of Medical Microbiology

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Graduated from Hawler Medical University/ college of Medicine in 2005. In 2013  PhD degree in Medical Science, Pathological department in Lund University-Sweden, she return back to kurdistan, Iraq, teaching in Collage of Health Science, Hawler Medical University,Medical Microbiology Deparment. in 2019 spescielty in histopathology (F.K.B.M.S. path).in total she had seven puplications and her current two more research work is mainly related to pathogenesis and immunohsitochemical studies of thyroid lesions and endometrosis.

  1. Google Scholar
  2. https://doi.org/10.15218/zjms.2019.014
  3. use of CK19 in differentiation of thyroid papillary carcinoma from its mimics.
  4. uses of CD65 in diffeentiation of thyroid papillary carcinoma from its mimics.
  5. incidence of Helicobacter Pylori infection in a group of patients in Erbile city and its association with gastric adenocarcinoma.


  1. The uses of CD56 in the differentiation of the thyroid papillary carcinoma from its mimics.

Abrar Marwan Baheer, Tavga Hushair Salim.

 2. Evalution of thyroid nodules in group of patients in erbil city iraq.

lavan, Asma Muhsin, Rezhin, Rayan Pshtiwan.


1- M2-like macrophages induce colon cancer cell invasion via matrix metalloproteinases

Vinnakota K, Zhang Y, Selvanesan BC, Topi G, Salim T, Sand-Dejmek J, Jönsson G, Sjölander A. 

2- The inflammatory mediator leukotriene D₄ induces subcellular β-catenin translocation and migration of colon cancer cells.

Salim T, Sand-Dejmek J, Sjölander A. 

3- The cysteinyl leukotriene 2 receptor contributes to all-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation of colon cancer cells.

Bengtsson AM, Jönsson G, Magnusson C, Salim T, Axelsson C, Sjölander A.

4- Nuclear expression of glycogen synthase kinase-3β and lack of membranous β-catenin is correlated with poor survival in colon cancer.

Salim T, Sjölander A, Sand-Dejmek J.

5. Immunohistochemical exoression of CDX2 gene in colorectal carcinoma.

Tavga Hushair Dizeyi, Rafal Abdulrazaq Al-Rawi, Ava Taher Ismael.


6.immunohistochemical expression of cytokeratin 19 in patient with papillary thyroid carcinoma and its mimics in erbil, kurdistan region, Iraq.

Tavga Hushair Salim.

  • 2000-2006 Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq

             Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery MB.CH.B, 2005


  • 2009 – 2013 Lunds University, Lund, Sweden

             Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science, 2013


  • 2014 – 2019 Kurdistan Board for Medical Specialties

Fellow of Kurdistan Board for Medical Specialties (F.K.B.M.S.)

Women Blood Donation Symposium. (presenter), 14jun2021