Council of Health Sciences

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College Council of Health Sciences College, Hawler Medical University with three departments, Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology and physiotherapy Departments is responsible for managing the requirements and interests of college students, support college identity, serving as peer academic advisors, and developing faculty-student relationships. The college council role is to establish and control the system and the process by setting strategy to meet the college purpose, identify and manage the needs of both departments by evaluating their goals and objectives. The college council also has a role in managing the performance of faculty and staff members by monitoring their needs, goals, and objectives.


The Dean Council representatives are: 

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamdia Mirkhan Ahmed                    Dean.

Lecturer Zanko Hasan Jawhar -                                    Dean Assistant.

Assist.Prof. Dr.Sewgil Saaduldeen Anwer-                                    Head of Clinical Biochemistry Dept.

Assist.Prof. Dr. Salah Tofik Jalal Balaky-                                      Head of Medical Microbiology Dept.


Assis.Prof.Dr.Dler Qader Gallaly-                                                  Head of Medical Physiotherapy Dept.