Goals of Nursing

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  • Philosophy  

    The philosophy of college of nursing is consistent with the Hawler Medical University and with the goals of Kurdistan Government. The college philosophy focuses on the nature of the person, environment, health, and the professional of nursing and the process of education.

    Faculty believes that the "person" is a unique and continuously evolving being of dignity and growth. The person's behaviors reflect the interaction between personal and environmental influences. Each person has the right to participate in making decisions which affect health and to accept or refuse health care within the context of safety to society.

    The Faculty view "environment" as all external influences affecting the life and development of the person. The health of individuals, families and communities is affected by these influences.

    "Health" is viewed as a dynamic state arising from continuous change in the person and environment. Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of actual or potential health problems.

    Nursing involves supportive and therapeutic interventions based on theoretical and scientific knowledge. The goal of nursing is to promote health throughout life span, prevent illness, restore & or maintain with dignity essential life functions altered by illness. As health care professionals, nurses exert leadership to achieve a viable system of health care delivery independently and in collaboration with others, assess, plans, implements and evaluate nursing care. Nursing is a synthesis of art and science. The art of nursing requires that the practitioner apply knowledge gained from the humanities, arts and sciences to understand human needs.

    Education for professional nursing practice includes a sound theoretical knowledge base to support experiential learning. The intent of the educational programmes is to focus on the learner.

  • Goals

  • 1. Cultivate a caring and engaging environment to facilitate teaching, learning, scholarship, and service.
  • 2. Deliver innovative quality nursing programs that meet the needs of a diverse student body and other communities of interest.
  • 3. Promote the discovery, communication, and preservation of knowledge through scholarly activities and leadership.
  • 4. Provide service to the University, the profession, and the public.
  • 5. Develop community partnerships to promote nursing and the enhancement of the health care delivery system.


Strategic Plan

  • 1 - The College established to provide High, well trained, successful and encourage students to build success plan for the future of this area (country); Due to National needs through innovative and dynamic education programs. The challenge is to maintain high academic standers while utilizing technology to provide the health care to excellent patient care.
  • 2 - Provide Health Centers by well trained Nurses to build excellent Patient care.
  • 3 - Getting well trained high Diploma holders in different specialty in nursing education.
  • 4 - To graduate students develop leadership skills to role administration Health Centers.
  • 5 - The Baccalaureate curriculum strengthened by interdisciplinary experiences.


  • Outcome

    1 - The College established to provide High, well trained, successful and encourage students to build success plan for the future of this area (country); Due to National needs through innovative and dynamic education programs. The challenge is to maintain high academic standers while utilizing technology to provide the health care to excellent patient care.

    2 - Provide Health Centers by well trained Nurses to build excellent Patient care.

    3 - Getting well trained high Diploma holders in different specialty in nursing education.

    4 - To graduate students develop leadership skills to role administration Health Centers.

    5 - The Baccalaureate curriculum strengthened by interdisciplinary experience