Suha Hussein Ahmed


College of Nursing

Department of Nursing

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Miss. Suha Hussein Ahmed has obtained Msc degree in Microbiology, and the BSC in biology from Mousel University. In addition, She attended to many short courses related to microbiology speciality in the UK. she has two published paper and there are two other researchs that she is  working on at the moment. She contributed  to many  essential committees at the college for several years such as(head of examination committee, scientific committee, ---etc. Moreover, she supervised on many  graduation researches of  under graduate students. she teaches  Theory and practical Microbiology  to second stage  of Midwifery students at College of Nursing. Finallly,  She has  long term experieience in several administration department as Head of Regestration department at Nursing College, Head of Bascic Scince department......ect.

My current research work is mainly related to the Pregnant women helth Disorderes that associated with infection with some bacteria infections.

Google Scholer

1- Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection among Secondary School

Students in Urban and Rural in Erbil: Comparative Study


2- The Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori

among University Students in Iraq 

3-  Helicobacter pylori infection in pregnent women and it's       Correlation with the alterations of some trace elements levels in  the  serum at Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil City. 

4- An Observational Study of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Iraqi Patients At  Al-Shifa Medical Center in Baghdads Capital, Al- Rusafa

1-B.Sc. Biology , 1990-1991 to 1994-1995, MuselUniversity. College of Science, Iraq

2-  MSc. in Microbiology, 1997-1998 to 2000- 2001, College of Education/ University of Musel, Iraq

3-  Presessional Programme of studying English Language , 28/4/2011 to 23/9/2011, Centre For English Language Education/ University of Nottingham, The UK/ Ingland 

1- Microbiology, 2nd stage college of Nursing(Nursing and Midwifery Department), 2001-2002  until now

2- General Biology, 1nd stage college of Nursing, 2001-2002   until 2005 - 2006

3- parasitology, 2nd stage college of Nursing, 2001-2002   until until now  

4- Immunology, 2nd stage College of Nursing, Midwifery Department, 2020-2021