Norhan Zeki Shaker
College of Nursing
Department of Nursing
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Norhan Zeki Shaker has MSc degree in Nursing science from Baghdad University , Pediatric Nursing from Hawler Medical University .She Is Assistant Professor in pediatric nursing department of Nursing College at Hawler Medical university in Erbil ,Iraq. She teaches infant, children and Adolescents Health Nursing,growth and development, Nursing Reserch , Nursing Theories , Nursing philosophy ,and Evidence based practice to undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students .since 2001 ,in addition to supervisoing Master and PhD students in pediatric nursing.
she has more than 30 published researches in pediatric specialty and nursing education
Title |
Journal |
Year-Vol. |
Assessment of breastfeeding knowledge among mothers in Erbile city. |
Zanko Journal of medical science |
Zanco J. Med. Sci., (Special issue 2), 2010
Barriers towards Research among Faculty of Two Nursing Colleges in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Z. Doozgy, B. Najib
Conference proceed ICRE .2012 |
Knowledge of ‘Pain Assessment and Management’ among Nurses Caring for Children In Erbil Hospitals. |
Published in Duhok medical Jou.vol. 6, suppl. 1. Dec. 2012 |
2012, medical Jou. vol. 6, suppl. 1. Dec. 2012 |
Knowledge Practices and Attitudes of mothers regarding Infant and Young Child feeding in Erbil City |
Kofa Journal of nursing science |
2012 , Vol 2, No 2 |
Assessment Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children/ |
Zanko Journal Procceding 3rd international conference for medical sciences proceeding book |
2012, proceeding book vol. 11, 2012-Erbil
Nursing students’ Perception about Academic Debate Subject in Hawler Medical University |
ICERI2013 Proceedings Pages: 66-70 |
2013 , (author N Doozgy) |
Perspective Of College Of Nursing Students, Hawler Medical University Regarding Objective Structured Clinical Examination Test |
ICERI2013 Proceedings (2013): Pages: 81-85 |
2013 , year: 2013 (author N Doozgy) |
Impact of spastic cerebral palsy upon quality of life of children under the age of 12 years in Erbil City (parents’ reports)
Iraqi National journal of nursing specialty /Baghadad university |
2015, 28 (1)
The Impact of baby friendly Hospital on Breast-feeding Indicators in Shaqlawa District in Erbil city - Kurdistan region – Iraq. |
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal مجلة الشرق الاوسط December 2015 |
2015, Vol 21 issue (12 ) 821-826.
Disease Patterns and outcomes of Neonatal Admissions at Raparin Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Erbil City
Iraqi National journal of nursing specialty /Baghadad university
2015 , Vol 28 Issue (2) 39-42.
Cross-National Comparisons of Teachers’ Knowledge and Misconceptions of ADHD |
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation © 2015 American Psychological Association 2016, |
2016 ,Vol. 5, No. 1, 34–50 2157-3883/16/ |
Feedback on Teaching Evaluation for Master Students in College of Nursing -Erbil City |
Zanko J Med. Sci., <%JNM, Vol. 1, No. (1), May, 2018 |
Quality of Immediate Nursing Care Provided to Newborn at Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil City |
Erbil Nurse midwive journal JNM, Vol. 1, No. (1), May, 2018 |
Prevalence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Potentially Traumatic Events among Adolescents in Erbil City |
Erbil j. nurs. midwifery, Vol. 2, No. (1), May, 2019 Original Article |
Effectiveness of Distraction Therapy on Children’s Pain Perceptions During Peripheral Venous Cannulation at Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Erbil City |
Erbil j. nurs. midwifery, Vol. 1, No. (2), Nov, 2018 |
International Health Sciences Conference (IHSC 2018), Nov. 2018 |
Knowledge of Shaken Baby Syndrome among Hospital Nurses in Erbil City |
Erbil j. nurs. midwifery, Vol. 4 No. (1), May, 2021 Original Article |
Coping Strategies among Caregivers of Children with Acute Leukemia at Nanakali Hospital in Erbil City |
Erbil j. nurs. midwifery, Vol. 2, No. (2), Nov, 2019 Original Article |
| in nursing science |
1972-1976 |
Baghdad University
Iraq |
Master degree in Nursing science
2002- 2004 |
Baghdad University Nursing College |
Iraq |
Ph.D in Pediatric Nursing |
2006-2010 |
Hawler Medical University Nursing College |
Iraq |
Teaching :
- pediatric nursing in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing college.
- supervising Msc. 9 Students and 2 PhD students
- head of scientific affairs and postgraduate unit of college
- head of curriculum development committee.
- member of the central scientific promotion committee of Hawler medical university
- member of the certificate equalization committee at the Ministry of higher education and Scientific Research