Ali Taher Mohammedameen

Assistant Lecturer
College of Nursing
Department of Nursing
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Ali Taher Mohammed-Ameen has a bachelor and master degree in field of Medical-Surgical Nursing department. He has been working in Hawler Medical University/College of Nursing since 2012. He has eight years of experience in clinical academic teaching in the field of surgical and emergency nursing care of nursing students in the College of Nursing at Hawler Medical University.
He has one published article about the role of diet and physical activity in formation of stone inside gallblader among sample of patients with gallblader disease compared with same size of persons without gallstone disease.
- Bachelor degree in Nursing, Hawler Medical University ----------------------------------------------------------2010/2011
- Master degree in Medical-Surgical Adult Nursing/College of Nursing/Hawler Medical University ----------2017 till 2019
Fundamentals of Nursing (Lab)
Adult Nursing (Lab and clinic)