Kaify Jamil Qadir


College of Nursing

Department of Nursing

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Kaify J QAdir has MSc and PhD degree in Pediatric Nursing in Hawler Mdeical University/College of Nursing and PhD student in Pediatric Nursing from Hawler Medical University. He is an assistant Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing at Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq. He teaches theory and Clinical of pediatric Nursing, Clinical Consolidation, Clinical Growth and Development. also he has already taught different courses of fundamental of Nursing, Health Assessment and Clinical of Adult Nursing. He has 8 publications. His current research work is mainly related to physical activity, diet habits, obesiy and diabetic type 1 in children. Before pursuing the academic career, he established two years of experience as nursing Rotater in Risgary Teaching Hospital. 

He has 7 publications. His current research work is mainly related to physical activity, diet habits, obesiy and diabetic type 1 in children.

Google Scholar

  • Effectiveness of an Educational Health Programme on ‎Mothers’ Knowledge and Practices of Thalassaemic ‎Children Who Receiving Desferal Therapy in Hawler ‎Thalassemia Center/ Erbil CityEffectiveness of an Educational Health Programme on ‎Mothers’ Knowledge and Practices of Thalassaemic ‎Children Who Receiving Desferal Therapy in Hawler ‎Thalassemia Center/ Erbil City, Zanko Journal of ‎Medical, ‎2013, 17(1). ‎
  • Study of Physical Growth pattern in Thalassemic ‎Children and adolescent in Hawler Thalassemia ‎Center/ Erbil City, Kufa Journal for ‎Nursing Sciences, ‎2013‎
  • Effectiveness of an Educational Health Programme on ‎Mothers’ Knowledge of Thalassaemic Children Who ‎Receiving Desferal Therapy in Hawler Thalassemia ‎Center/ Erbil City, Kufa Journal for ‎Nursing Sciences, ‎2013‎, 3 (3)
  • Effectiveness of an Educational Health Programme on ‎Mothers’ practice of Thalassaemic Children Who ‎Receiving Desferal Therapy in Hawler Thalassemia ‎Center/ Erbil City, The International Journal for ‎Sciences and ‎Technology (IJST), 2014, 9 (4).
  • Impact of Infant Feeding Pattern on Growth ‎Parameter at Azady ‎Health Care Center/Erbil City, Kufa Journal for ‎Nursing Sciences, ‎2015, 5 ‎‎(2).‎
  • An Exploratory Study to assess the Knowledge of Staff ‎Nurses ‎regarding Needle Prick Injury Sustained by ‎Them in Selected ‎Hospitals of Erbil City”‎ Kufa Journal for ‎Nursing Sciences, 2015, 5 (1).‎
  • Healthcare Providers’ Knowledge on Rotavirus ‎Vaccine ‎at Selected Primary ‎Healthcare Centers / ‎Erbil City, Zanko Journal of ‎Medical, ‎2015, 20 ‎‎(2).‎

february 2016 PhD candidated at Hawler Medical University/ college of nursing, Erbil, Iraq

project: Impact of structured education programme on children with type 1 ‎diabetes regarding ‎benefits of regular physical activity and ‎exercise in Erbil City / Kurdistan region

february 2011 MSc in pediatric Nursing at Hawler Medical University/ college of nursing, Erbil, Iraq

Thesis:Effectiveness of an Educational Health Programme on ‎Mothers’ Knowledge and Practices of Thalassaemic ‎Children Who Receiving Desferal Therapy in Hawler ‎Thalassemia Center/ Erbil City.

Jul 2006 Bsc (Nursing) Hawler Medical University/ college of nursing, Erbil, Iraq


theory and Clinical of pediatric Nursing, Clinical Consolidation and Clinical Growth and Development.


phd project: Impact of structured education programme on children with type 1 ‎diabetes regarding ‎benefits of regular physical activity and ‎exercise in Erbil City / Kurdistan region