Bushra Ahmed Hamdi

Assistant Professor

College of Pharmacy

Department of Clinical Analysis

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Dr. Bushra A. Hamdi Assist. Prof. in Hawler Medical Univ., Pharmacy college, Ph.D. Tabriz Medical Univ. Iran 2011, MSc. Baghdad Univ. 1988, BSc. Sulaymaniya Univ. 1981, I am a Biologist, my specially in Histology and Embryology.

Served in Baghdad, Salahaddin and Hawler Medical University, published more than 20 Scientific paper and served as Secretory of Scientific Journal as well as Head of Department in Science college and Pharmacy College. Since more than 25 years lecturing in virus colleges including Pharmacy, Dentistry, Science, Education

    List of Publication

           1- Hamdi, B.A (1988). The Embryology and Histology of the Pronephras and Opisthonephos in Mosquito fish Gambusiaaffiuis (Baird and Girard). M.Sc.thesis in Baghdad University.

         2- Sharif, H. A. Hamdi, B.A. R. A. Hadi and B.K. Moulud (1991). An ecological study on Relationships between weight, length and gut content weight of Gambusiaaffinis in Saqlawiyah irrigation Large canal, Baghdad-Iraq. Published in journal of Biological science research.

         3- Hamdi, B.A (1997). Histological studies on the Nephron of Mosquitofish Gamuisaaffinis (Baird and Girard). Published in 3rd scientific conference of Salahaddin University.

           4- Sheriff H.A., Al- Khafaji S. S.andHamdi B.A., (1989) The effect of temperature on the Acute Toxicity of Mercury to Gambusiaaffinis. J. IBN AL- Haitham PAS. V: 1(1).

           5- Mohammad A., Al- Adhami H. S., Hamdi B.H. (1990). Development of the Pronephric system in Mousuito fish Gambusiaaffiuis(Baird and Girard).J. IBN.AL- Haytham PAS. V:2 (1).

            6- Mohammad A., Al- Adhami H. S., Hamdi B.H. (1990). Development of the Pronephric system in Mousuito fish Gambusiaaffiuis(Baird and Girard).J. IBN.AL- Haytham PAS. V:2 (1).

           7- Faraj, A. M and, B.A Hamdi. (2002). An epidemiological study on the prevalence of dogs intestinal parasites and degree of environmental soil contamination with infective stages in Erbil city-Iraq. Published in journal of Dohuk University

         8- Hamdi, B.A, and Mohammed S.I (2003). Some study on histological effect of pyrethoids (Deltamethrin) on kidney and Testis of domestic rabbits (Oryctologuscuniculus). Published in journal of Dohuk University.

       9- Hamdi, B.A., Al-Khateeb I.M., Aziz F.M., and Rahemo I.F., (2005). Histopathological observation on the liver naturally infected by Fasciolahepatica in   sheep of Erbil city. Rivista   di-parassitologia in Italy.V: 5 .        

        10- Zohair, I. F. Rahemo, Hamdi B. A. , I. A. M. Al- khateeb, and F.M Aziz (2005).   Histoloical change in the liver off the fresh water fish, Leaciscus cephalus caught from serchinar steram, infected with Contracaecum larvae. Published in Journal Rivista di-parassitologia in Italy.11-

          11- Fenyk S. H., Hamdi B.H., Zohair, I. F. Rahemo, (2006). Some Biological and Histological studies of Slug Liamaxspecies in Erbil City. Thesis.

           12- Zohair I. F. Rahemo, B.A.Hamdi. and N. R. Hamad (2005). The neurosensory cells of the parasite Polystomaintegerrimum as indicator for flat worms phylogeny. Published in Journal of Rivista di-parasitologia in Italy.

         13- Hamdi, B.A, Aziz, F.M, Al-Khateeb, I. M .and Rahemo, Z. F (2005). Histopathological observation on the liver naturally infected by Fasciolagigantica in sheep of Erbil city-Iraq. Published in 4th Asian pacific congress Azmir Turkey.

           14- Hamdi, B.A Rahemo, Z.F and Hamad, N.R (2005). The neurosensory cells of the parasitic Polystomaintegerrimum as indicator for flatworms polygeny Published in 4th Asian pacific congress Azmir Turkey.

             15- Treska S.H and B. A Hamdi and Zohair I. F. (2007). Histological changes in lungs of sheep and goats infected with worm parasites in Erbil-Kurdistan. Accepted in British society for parasitology, Belfast/ UK.

           16- Hamdi, B.A.(2011). Gonadal Effect of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure onFertility in Adult and Developing Mice: An Ultrastructural Study Ph.D. Thesis

        17- Hamdi B.A., Roshangar L., Khaki A. A., Soleimani Rad J., (2011). Developmentel exposure to EMF and its effect on spermatogenesis in adulthood mice. Intarnational congress on Anatomical sciences. Tehran- Iran.

1-            18 - Soleimani Rad J., Roshanger L., Khaki A.A., Hamdi B. A., (2011). Histological study of testicular tissue in newborn mice exposed to 50 Hz electromagnetic field during developmental period. 6TH Asia Pacif iiInternational Congreess of Anatomy. Biomolecular and Cellular Anatomy (PBI I).

2-         19 - Hamdi BA., Soleimani Rad J., Khaki AA., Roshangar L., Khaki A., (2011). Pathology of testis in newborn mice exposed to electromagnetic field (EMF) during developmental period. Advances in Environmental Biol., 2 (5 ): 455-462.

3-                20- Ghasemzadeh A., Khaki A., Farzadi L., Khaki A A., Marjani M., Hamdi B.H., Ghadamkheir E.,Naeikararoudi M., (2012). Effect of rosmarinic acid on estrogen, FSH and LH in female diabetic rats.African J. of Pharmacy and Pharmacology V:5 (11) pp. 1427- 1431 .

           21- Hamdi B.A., Shafaei H., Hemmati A., Khaki A.A., Soleimani Rad J. (2012). The effect of Electromagnetic field on Microstructure of Placenta. J. R. and Infertility V: 12 (4).

         22- Hamdi B.A., Soleimani Rad J., Khaki A.A., Roshangar L. (2012).A study on the effect of EMF exposure on Folliculogenesis in neonatal femal mice. Intarnational j. of   experimenta and Clinical Anatomy V:6, PP 571.

                 23- Roshangar L.,Hamdi B.A., Khaki A.A., Soleimani Rad J. (2015). Effect of low frequency  electromagnetic field exposure on oocyte differentiation and follicular development .J. Adv. Biomedcal Res.,3: 1- 78.

             24- Marzieh Marahem1, Haleh Farzin2*, Majid Seyedghodraty3, Bushra Ahmed Hamdi4 (2017).                         Occupational Exposures to Anesthetic Gases in Operating Room

Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 3, July 2017, x–x eISSN 2148-9696

         25- Sherzad. A. S.1, B. A. Hamdi2 (2017) . Botanical survey of medicinal plants within Kurdistan of Iraq.The First scientific conference for the college of Pharmacy/ Hawler Medical University (6-7 )Dec. 2017.