Namir Ghanim Al-Tawil


College of Medicine

Department of Community Medicine

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Namir G. Al-Tawil, a graduate of the college of medicine, Baghdad University. He got a higher diploma in community medicine from the same university, and then the fellowship of the Iraqi Commission of Medical Specializations in community medicine (equivalent to Ph.D.). He got the fellowship of the faculty of public health of the Royal College of physicians. He is a professor of community medicine/public health in the Hawler Medical University, College of Medicine. He teaches undergraduate and post-graduate courses in biostatistics, research methods, and epidemiology. He has more than 70 publications in different fields including women’s health, violence, health policy, and medical education. He supervised more than 30 post-graduate students.

  1. Al-Tawil NG. The effect of anesthetic gases on the reproductive functions of anesthetists and their assistants. A diploma dissertation. University of Baghdad/College of medicine. 1992.
  2. Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadi A. Knowledge, Attitudes, and practices regarding family planning among two groups of women in Baghdad province. Iraqi postgraduate medical journal. 2000; 1(1): 39-46.
  3. Al-Tawil NG. Hypertension control among a group of Iraqi patients. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2000; 1(1): 71-77.
  4. Ali SH, Al-Tawil NG. Urinary tract infection among a group of hospitalized children. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2001; 1: 169-173.
  5. Ali S H, Al-Tawil NG. Factors associated with severe pneumonia among children under five years of age. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2002; 2: 50-56.
  6. Al-Tawil NG, Abdul Ameer AJ, Al-Tawil W. Knowledge and Practices of Breast Self-examination among a Group of Women Attending Some Medical Clinics in Baghdad. Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2002; 1: 279-285.
  7. Al-Tawil NG. Contributing factors for uncontrolled blood pressure among a group of hypertensive patients. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2003; 2(suppl.1):73-79
  8. Nashiet NA, Al-Tawil NG. The effect of vitamin A supplementation to infants with bronchiolitis on the duration of hospitalization. Iraqi journal of medical sciences.2003; 2(suppl.1): 158-161.
  9. Al-Mefraji SH, Al-Tawil NG. Phototherapy induced hypocalcaemia among a group of Iraqi neonates. Iraqi postgraduate medical journal. 2003; 2(3): 254-256.
  10. Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadi A, Barnouti NN. Determinants of Intrauterine Device Discontinuation among Women Attending Some Family Planning Clinics in Baghdad. Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine. 2004; 17(2): 91-95.
  11. Ali SH, Al-Tawil NG, Nashiet NA. Child safety practices of a group of Iraqi parents. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2004; 3(1): 89-92.
  12. Nashiet NA, Al-Tawil NG, Ali SH. A review of 210 diabetic children attending pediatric diabetic clinic in Al-Kadhimiya teaching hospital from 1990-1999. Iraqi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2004; 3(2): 171-174.
  13. Al-Hadi A, Al-Tawil NG, Swidan A. Patterns of management of acute respiratory infections among under five children at primary health care centers in three provinces in Iraq. IPMJ. 2004; 3(2): 106-109.
  14. Al Azzawi A, Abdul Ghafour SF, Al-Tawil NG. Is the use of antiperspirants a risk factor for breast cancer. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2006; 12(3/4): 478-482.
  15. Al-Mefraji SH, Al-Tawil NG, Karim LA. Anthropometric measurements of a group of newborns in a teaching hospital in Baghdad. Saudi Med J. 2006; 27(6): 870-873.
  16. Al-Tawil NG, Abdulla MM, Abdul Ameer AJ. Prevalence and factors associated with obesity among a group of Iraqi women. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2007; 13(2): 420-429.
  17. Al-Ameen MM, Al-Tawil NG. Clients' satisfaction with health care provided by the consultation clinics of Al-Kadhimiya teaching hospital and Al-Noor teaching health care center. Zanco J Med Sc. 2008; 12 (special issue): 19-26.
  18. Al-Shimmery EK, Ahmad AF, Al-Tawil NG. Pattern of migraine headache in a group of Kurdish Iraqi patients. Neurosciences. 2009; 14(3): 167-171
  19. Al-Tawil NG. Sex and time spent during examinations as predictors of scores among medical students. MEJFM. 2009; 7(10): 18-24
  20. Marouf IT, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS, Shibila NP. Quality of life and morbidity pattern of a group of geriatric population in Erbil city. Middle East Journal of Age and Ageing. 2010; 7(1): 16-22.
  21. Shabila NP, Al-Hadithi TS, Al-Tawil NG, Faidulla RM. Epidemiology of burn injury in Erbil governorate: A hospital based study. JABHS 2010; 11 (1): 55-61
  22. Al-Hadithi TS, Shabila NP, Al-Tawil NG, Othman SM. Demographic transition and potential for development: the case of Iraqi Kurdistan. EMHJ 2010; 16 (10): 1098-1102.
  23. Ismail KH, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. Case fatality rate of first ever stroke in Erbil. Zanco J Med Sci 2010; 14 (Special issue 1):
  24. Ismail KH, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. Risk factors for stroke in Erbil city: A case control study. Zanco J Med Sci 2010; 14 (Special issue 1):

25.Ahmed HA, Khuder SA, Al-Tawil NG. Abdominal obesity among students of Hawler medical university. Zanco J Med Sci 2010; 14 (Special issue 2): 7-13.

26.Shabila NP, Al-Tawil NG, Tahir R, Shwani FH, Saleh AM, Al-Hadithi TS. Iraqi     

health system in Kurdistan region: medical professionals’ perspectives on challenges and priorities for improvement. Confl Health 2010; 4:19.

  1. Al-Shimmery EK, Amein SH, Al-Tawil NG. Prevalence of silent stroke in Kurdistan, Iraq. Neurosciences 2010; 15 (3): 167-171
  2. Ramzi ZS, Abdulla AA, Al-Hadithi T, Al-Tawil N. Prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C virus infection hemodialysis patients in Sulaimani. Zanco J Med Sci 2010; 14(1): 44-50.
  3. Ahmed HM, Alaf SK, Al-Tawil NG. Screening for postpartum depression using Kurdish version of Edinburgh postnatal depression scale. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012; 285 (5): 1249-55. DOI 10.1007/s00404-2165-6
  4. Al-Othman AA, Al-Tawil NG. Effect of thrombolytic therapy on the incidence of early left ventricular infarct expansion in acute anterior myocardial infarction. OMJ 2011; 26 (6): 431-3
  5. Mustafa IH, Najib BM, Al-Tawil NG. Association between socio-demographic factors and pulmonary tuberculosis in Erbil. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences 2011; 1(1): 85-92
  6. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil N, Al-Hadithi T, Sondorp E. A qualitative assessment of the Iraqi primary healthcare system. World Health & Population 2012; 13(3): 18-27.
  7. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil NG. Assessment of referral characteristics of a sample of patients attending the secondary care units at Erbil teaching hospital. The New Iraqi Journal of Medicine 2011.
  8. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil NG, Wahab MA, Al-Hadithi TS, Sondorp E. Assessment of Iraqi primary care referral system. Reporting a high self-requested referral rate. MEJFM 2012; 10 (3): 4-10
  9. Saleh AM, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. Teaching methods in Hawler College of Medicine: A qualitative assessment from teachers’ perspectives. BMC Medical Education 2012; 12 (59): doi:10.1186/1472-6920-12-59
  10. Raof AM, Al-Hadithi TS, Al-Tawil NG. Delivery criterion-based auditing system at two health facilities in Erbil city-IRAQ. JSMC 2012; 2 (1): 9-16
  11. Abdulla SA, Najib BM, Al-Tawil NG. Assessment of primary schools' environment in Erbil city. Zanco J Med Sci. 2013; 17 (2): 417-421
  12. Al-Tawil NG. Association of violence against women with religion and culture in Erbil Iraq: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2012 Sep 17; 12 (1): 800. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-800
  13. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil N, Al-Hadithi T, Sondorp E, Vaughan K. Iraqi primary care system in Kurdistan region: providers’ perspectives on problems and opportunities for improvement. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2012, 12:21 doi:10.1186/1472-698X-12-21
  14. Shabu SA, Al-Tawil NG. Prevalence of Childhood Obesity Among a Sample of

Basic Education School Children in Erbil City. MEJFM 2012; 10 (10): 4-13

  1. Salih RS, Al-Tawil NG, Shekhany MH. Assessment of prescription writing at primary health care centers and outpatient clinics in public and private sectors in Erbil city. Duhok Med J 2012; 6 (suppl 2): 10-23
  2. Saleh AM, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. Didactic Lectures and Interactive Sessions in Small Groups: A Comparative Study among Undergraduate Students in Hawler College of Medicine. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 2013, 3(2): 144-153
  3. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil N, Al-Hadithi T, Sondorp E. The range and diversity of providers’ viewpoints towards the Iraqi primary health care system: an exploration using Q-methodology. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2013,13:18  doi:10.1186/1472-698X-13-18
  4. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil N, Al-Hadithi T, Sondorp E. Post-conflict health reconstruction: where is the evidence? Medicine, Conflict and Survival 2013; 29:1, 69-74.

 45.Ahmad HM, Osman VA, Al-Alaf SK, Al-Tawil NG. Prevalence of urinary incontinence and probable risk factors in a sample of Kurdish women. SQUMJ 2013; 13 (2): 269-74.

  1. Yasin BA, Al-Tawil NG, Shabila NP, Al_Hadithi TS. Female genital mutilation among Iraqi Kurdish women: a cross-sectional study from Erbil city. BMC Public Health2013, 13:809 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-809

47.Al-Atrushi HH, Al-Tawil NG, Shabila NP, Al-Hadithi TS. Intimate partner violence against women in the Erbil city of the Kurdistan region, Iraq. BMC Women's Health 2013, 13:37 doi:10.1186/1472-6874-13-37

  1. Shabu SA, Al-Tawil NG. Assessing Children’s Knowledge and the Impact of a Specific Health Awareness Program on the Weight Status of Overweight Children in Erbil City. MEJFM 2013; 11 (10): 9-15
  2. Al-Tawil NG, Sabir JM, Ismail KH. Knowledge and practices of a group of adolescents toward some aspects of their health and development. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences 2013; 3(1): 264-270.
  3. Saleh AM, Al-Tawil NG, Shabila NP, Al-Hadithi T. A qualitative assessment of the small group teaching at Hawler College of Medicine. Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research 2013; 7(5): 883-7.
  4. Ahmed HM, Rasool VH, Al-Tawil NG. Prevalence of abnormal signs and symptoms among attendees of obstetrics and gynecology department of Shaqlawa hospital. Medical Journal of Babylon 2014; 11(1): 120-9.
  5. Shabila NP, Al-Tawil N, Al-Hadithi T, Sondorp E. Using Q-methodology to explore people’s health seeking behavior and perception of the quality of primary care services. BMC Public Health2014, 14:2  doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-2


  1. Ismail ZA, Al-Tawil NG, Hasan SS. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding family planning among two groups of women in Erbil. Zanco J Med Sci 2014; 18 (2): 710-7.
  2. Abdulla SA, Sheren NA, Naqshbandi VA, Al-Tawil NG. Nurses’ attitude toward the care of dying cases in the cardiac center in Erbil city. Zanco J Med Sci 2014; 18 (2): 763-8.
  3. Ahmed HF, Qader SS, Hussen BM, Al-Tawil NG. Effects of Ramadan fasting on body weight and metabolic profile. Zanco J Med Sci 2014; 18 (3): 816-21. ( )
  4. AlKhateeb NE, Al Azzawi S, Al-Tawil NG. Association between urinary tract infection and urinary tract abnormalities: a case control study in Erbil city/Iraq. J Pediatr Urol 2014 Jun 7
  5. Wahd SA, Alalaf S, Al-Shawaf T, Al-Tawil NG. Ovarian reserve markers and assisted reproductive technique (ART) outcomes in women with advanced endometriosis.BMC Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2014; 12:120

  1. Jamil AS, Alalaf SK,  Al-Tawil NG,  Al-Shawaf T. A case-control observational study of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome among the four phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome based on Rotterdam criteria.

BMC Reproductive Health 2015; 12:7  doi:10.1186/1742-4755-12-7

Published: 16 January 2015

  1. Saleh AM, Shabila NP, Dabbagh AA, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. A qualitative assessment of faculty perspectives of small group teaching experience in Iraq. BMC Medical Education 2015; 15:19 DOI 10.1186/s12909-015-0304-7
  2. Alalaf SH, Jawad RK, Muhammad PR, Ali MS, Al Tawil NG. Bemiparin versus enoxaparin as thromboprophylaxis following vaginal and abdominal deliveries: A prospective clinical trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2015; 15: 72


  1. Moustafa SR, Al-Taweel N, Mohsen F. Association of Boron, Copper, Germanium, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc with Incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis. American Journal of Internal Medicine 2015; 3(3): 132-40

  1. Jamil AS, Alalaf SK, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Shawaf T. Comparison of clinical and hormonal characteristics among four phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome based on the Rotterdam criteria. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

ISSN 0932-0067. DOI 10.1007/s00404-015-3889-5

  1. Alalaf SK, Jawad AK, Jawad RK, Ali MS, Al Tawil NG. Bemiparin for thromboprophylaxis after benign gynecologic surgery: a randomized clinical trial. J Thromb Haemost 2015; 13: 1-7 DOI: 10.1111/jth.13164.
  2. Shabu S, Al-Tawil NG, Fuller MP, Sheaff R. Evidence-based health policymaking in Iraqi Kurdistan: Facilitators and barriers from the perspectives of policymakers and advisors. Zanco J Med Sci 2015; 19 (3): 1075-83.

  1. Chalabi DA, Omer K, Al-Taweel N. Risk factors for infantile colic: a case control study. Journal of the Arab Board of Health Specializations 2016, 17(2): 2-8.
  2. Al-Tawil NG, Mustafa IH, Ismahil ZA. Inpatients’ satisfaction toward nursing services in the medical and surgical wards of Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Erbil, Iraq. Zanco J. Med. Sci. 2016; 20, (2): 1349-55.
  3. Mohammed-Ali KB, Ismail KH, Al-Tawil NG, Dauod AS. Cardiovascular risk factors in a rural area, Erbil, Iraq: A cross-sectional study. IJCM 2016; 29 (4): 197-200.
  4. Hamid NE, Alalaf SK, Al-Tawil NG. Pulsed Umbilical Artery Doppler Ultrasound Findings in Management of High-Risk Term Pregnant Women during Labour. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 7: 139-46. ISSN Online: 2160-8806 ISSN Print: 2160-8792. DOI:
  5. Yazdeen AF, Hummadi MF, Al-Tawil NG, Alshimmery I, Jarjees SN. Association between Ramadan fasting and cerebrovascular diseases. Zanco J Med Sci 2017; 21 (3): 1853-58.
  6. Ahmed HM, Al-Tawil NG. Rate and indications of cesarean section in the maternity teaching hospital in Erbil city / Kurdistan region / Iraq. Zanco J Med Sci 2018; 22 (2): 148-154.
  7. Ahmed HM, Ismail KH, Al-Tawil NG. Sexual satisfaction in a group of married women in Erbil Iraq. JSMC 2017; 7(1): 9-14.
  8. Zangana SN, Al-Othman AA, Al-Tawil NG. Role of cardiac troponin I level in predicting in-hospital outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in Erbil-Iraq. DJM 2017; 13 (1): 1-7. Available from:
  9. Akrawi VS, Al-Hadithi TS, Al-Tawil NG. Major determinants of maternal near-miss and mortality at the maternity teaching hospital, Erbil city, Iraq. OMJ 2017; 32 (5): 275-284.

74.Dhiab AA, Al-Tawil NG. Knowledge and practices regarding family planning in a group of men in Erbil city. JSMC 2017; 7 (3): 281-288. DOI Link:

  1. Hussen MJ, Alalaf SK, Al-Tawil NG. Effect of maternal age on the ovarian reserve markers, and pregnancy outcome in a sample of Kurdish women in Erbil city. Zanco J Med Sci 2018 April; 22 (1): 8-16.
  2. Mahmood N, Othman S, Al-Tawil N, Al-Hadithi T. Impact of an education intervention on knowledge of high school students concerning substance use in Kurdistan Region-Iraq: A quasi-experimental study. PLOS ONE. 2018 Oct31; 13(10):e0206063.

77.Shabu S, Al-Tawil NG. Knowledge transfer and exchange among academic researchers of Hawler Medical University. Zanco J Med Sci 2018; 22 (3): 377-384 DOI:

  1. Namik JJ, Alalaf SK, Al Tawil NG. Anti-mullerian hormone and antral follicle count in polycystic ovary syndrome and non-polycystic ovary syndrome women. Zanco J Med Sci 2018 Dec 31;22(3):292-9.
  2. Al-Hashimi FJ, Kareem Alalaf S, Al Tawil NG. Screening for depression during pregnancy using the Kurdish version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Erbil city. Health Care for Women International. 2019 March 13:1-5.

  1. Mahmood NA, Othman SM, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. Substance use among high school students in Erbil City, Kurdistan Region: prevalence and potential contributing factors. East Mediterr Health J. 2019;25.
  2. Mahmood N, Kumait AS, Othman S, Al-Tawil N. Assessment of Certain Aspects and Health Issues that encountered by street children and adolescents in Kirkuk city. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2019; 13 (3): 298-304. DOI:  10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00213.5

82.Alkhateeb NE, Al-Dabbagh A, Ibrahim M, AL-Tawil NG. Effect of a Formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination on the Clinical Performance of Undergraduate Medical Students in a Summative Examination: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian pediatrics 2019; 56 (September 15): 745-8.


College of Medicine, Baghdad University (1986).

Higher Diploma in community medicine (1992)

Fellow of the Iraqi commission of medical specializations (FICMS, 1998)

Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians (2016, FFPH)

Head of quality assurance unit of the college of medicine.

Program director of the community medicine program of Kurdistan board for medical specialties.

Member of Kurdistan medical association.

Member of the accreditation committee of the college of medicine.