Abubakir Majeed Saleh

Assistant Professor

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Abubakir M. Saleh has MSc degree in Health Care Management from University of Swansea, Uk and PhD in Community Medicine from Hawler Medical University. He is an assistant professor of community medicine at Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq. He teaches different courses including health administration, epidemiology, biostatistics and research methodology. He has more than 20 publications .His current research work is mainly related to health services research, conflict & health and medical education. Before pursuing the academic career, he established ten year experience in the health care management through working as a manager of hospital and director of health sector in the Ministry of Health, Kurdistan region, Iraq.

He is Involved in different administrative and managerial tasks and committees and also involved in a number of collaborative projects with international universitues in research and educational development fields.

Research Interest : Qualitative research , health service management and medical education.

A good track record of publications with approximately 20 papers in local and international journals.

  • Google Scholar Citations: 119, h-index: 7, i10-index: 6
  • Papers with Impact Factors (Thomson Reuters): 4 papers
  • Research Gate: 9.28
  1. Mahmoud S, Saleh AM, Ali K B. Prevalence of cigarette smoking among Hawler Medical University students. Zanko J Med Sci., 2009; 13(2):57-62.
  2. Al-Nasrawi KK, Al-Diwan JK, Al-Hadithi TS, Saleh AM. Viral hepatitis outbreak in Al-Sadr city, Baghdad, Iraq. EMHJ 2010; 16(11): 1128-32.
  3. Al-Diwan JK, Al-Kaseer E, Saleh AM, Al-Hadi AM, Al-Hadithi TS. Mental health of Iraqi adolescents. Journal of the Arab Board of Health Specializations 2010:11(3):49-55
  4. Abdulahad FH, Saleh AM, Shabila NP. Introduction and initial evaluation of a newly designed teaching course for medical faculty members in Erbil, Iraq. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine 2012; 10(4):38-44.
  5. Saleh AM, Al-Tawil NG, AL-Hadithi TS. Teaching methods in Hawler College of Medicine in Iraq: A qualitative assessment from teachers' perspectives. BMC Medical Education 2012; 12:59. Available from www.Biomedcentral.com. (Impact Factor 1.312).
  6. Saleh AM, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. Didactic lecture and interactive sessions in small groups: A comparative study among undergraduate students in Hawler College of Medicine. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 2013, 3 (2): 144-53.
  7. Saleh AM, Al-Tawil NG, Shabila NP, Al-Hadithi TS. A qualitative assessment of the small group teaching at Hawler College of Medicine. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013; 7 (5): 883-7.
  8. Al-Hadithi TS,Al-Diwan JK,Saleh AM,Shabila NP. Birth defects in Iraq and the plausibility of environmental exposure: A review. Conflict and Health 2012; 6(1): 3.
  9. Zangana JM, Othman SM, Saleh AM. Effect of educational level of pregnant women on compliance with antenatal care services in Erbil city. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference for Medical Sciences ( Vol 2), 24-26 October 2012 ,Erbil, Iraq.
  10. Jordan L, Bovil C, Othman SM, Saleh AM, Shabila NP, Watters N. Is student centred learninf a western concept? Lessons from an academic development programme to support student-centred learning in Iraq. Teaching in Higher Education, 2013. Available from: http:// www.tandfonline.com/loi/cthe 20. (Impact factor 0.63).
  11. Nazar P. shabila , Abubakir M. Saleh , Rojan K. Jawad. Women's perspectives of female genital cutting: Q-methodology. BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:11. (Impact Factor 1.35).
  12. Abubakir M.Saleh , Nazar P Shabila ,Sirwan K. Ali , Fareed H. Abdulahad. Faculty development program in Hawler Medical University, Iraq: A qualitative assessment from participants' perspectives. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 2014; 4 ( 4) : 485-94. 
  13. Samir M O , Abubakir M S , Nazar P.Shabila .Knowledge about Hepatitis B infection among medical students in Erbil city , Iraq .Europian Scientific Journal 2013 ( special edition ) ; 3 : 299-305.
  14. Saleh A M. Perception of students about community medicine course in Hawler College of Medicine, Iraq. Zanko J Med Sci. 2015 : 19 (3) :1084-90.
  15. Saleh AM, Shabila NP , Dabbagh AA, Al-Tawil NG, Al-Hadithi TS. A qualitative assessment of faculty perspectives of small group teaching experience in Iraq. BMC Medical Education  2015 ; 15 ( 9). ( Impact factor 1.312 ).
  16. Shabila N P , Ismaeel K H , Saleh A M . Risky driving behavior in young people in Erbil, Iraq and its association with risk perception and liking risky driving: Medical students as example. SQU Med J Oman 2015; 15(3): 390-7.
  17. Saleh AM. Perspectives of teaching staff about quality assurance process in Hawler Medical University : Q-Methodology. Zanco J. Med.Sci 2016; 20(3) : 1521-31.

June 2013

PhD Community Medicine

Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq

Thesis: Small group teaching in Hawler College of Medicine: Challenges and opportunities from teachers and students perspectives.

March 2008

MSc Health Care Management

University of Swansea , UK

Thesis: Implementing decentralizing health reforms Kurdistan region, Iraq: The case study of Barzan district.

Jul 1993

MBChB (Medical Doctor)

Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq


Assistant Professor of Community Medicine, Hawler Medical University (June 2017 current)/ (prev. Lecturer and Assist. Lecturer – 2008 to 2016)

  • Teach community medicine and public health in the colleges of medicine and health sciences including the following modules; Basic Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Research Methodology, Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases and Health administration.
  • Assist in designing, implementation and data analysis of public health research
  • Assist and supervise students in conducting research projects
  • Teach in the Capacity development course (Qualitative research , plagiarism , research ethics , small group teaching and problem based learning)
  • Collaborate with the Directorate of Health in Erbil and the Ministry of Health in designing and implementing research projects


Director of International Academic Relations , Hawler Medical University (2013 –current)

  • Maintain academic relationship and communication with other universities in and outside Iraq.
  • Assist in management of the application and processing scholarship.
  • Assist in organization of seminars, workshops and conferences within the university in cooperation with other departments of the university.
  • Advising students about application process to the international universities and any other issues related to their study.
  • Member of different academic, scientific and management committees that work on developing different sectors in the university and colleges including the university ranking committee, curriculum development committee and capacity development course committee.



Associate Editor , Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences , Hawler Medical University(2014 –current)

  • Carry out preliminary assessment of submitted manuscript
  • Select and contact peer reviewers for submitted manuscripts
  • Edit and proofread manuscripts
  • Work on indexing the journal in main databases and obtained DOI for the journal
  • Regular peer reviewer of many journals including British journal of education and behavioural sciences, BMC journals, etc.

Relevant training course & workshops:

  1. Training course in Otolaryngology (Clinical attachment). 1st October 2006- 30 December, 2006, Linz Hospital, Linz, Austria.
  2. Training for student advisors workshop. Organized by The USA embassy in Iraq. September 27- October 1, 2009, Hawler Plaza Hotel, Erbil, Iraq.
  3. Developing student-centred learning in Hawler Medical University (1st workshop) organized by Hawler Medical University in cooperation with Glasgow University .27-30 March, 2011.  Salahaddin University Cultural centre, Erbil, Iraq.
  4. Developing student centred learning in Hawler Medical University (2nd workshop) Organized by Hawler Medical University in cooperation with Glasgow University .20-22 September, 2011. Salahaddin University Cultural centre, Erbil, Iraq.
  5. Dissemination of best practice workshop DeLPHE Project, British Council –Iraq 28-29 February 2012 ,Erbil International Hotel,Erbil,Iraq
  6. Peer Assisted Learning Training Course. Clinical Skils Teaching /DeLPHE-Iraq

   28 November -1st December 2011, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.

  1. Management of change for organizational transition. Training course (MENA Scholarship) 8 June-2nd July 2012, Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, Netherland.
  2. UK-Kurdistan best practise workshop on internationalization, 3-5 November 2013, Tangram Hotel, Erbil, Iraq.


  1. Enhancing research capacity building. IIE Training workshop, 3-5 February 2014, Rotana Hotel , Erbil , Iraq.


  1. IRO Best practice . Dohuk University Workshop , 22 Jan 2014, Dohuk , Iraq.


  1. Teaching methods course .Hawler Medical University training course , 30/3- 4/5/ 2014 , College of Pharmacy ( Seminar Hall) , Erbil , Iraq.


  1. Learning Course. Hawler Medical University training course ,6-8/4/2014 , Information Technology Academy , Erbil , Iraq.


  1. Management of internationalization in higher education. DAAD training course 31 August-13 Sept 2014 , Hannover University , Hannover , Germany.


  1. Research training, CAORC training course 18-21 September2014, ACOR, Amman, Jordan.


  1. Curriculum orientation, College of Medicine training course, Nov 29 to Dec 1st, 2014, College of Medicine, Erbil, Iraq.


  1. Qualitative study workshop cost sharing project with regional government of Kurdistan , UNFPA , 13-16 Jan 2015 , Banooj Hotel , Erbil , Iraq.


  1. The internationalization of Kurdistan Public University Campuses. February 9-10 ,2015 , Salahaddin University Social and Cultural center , Hawler , Kurdistan Region , Iraq.


  1. Management of internationalization in higher education. DAAD training course 4-10 April 2015, JKUAT University, Nairobi, Kenya.


  1. Management of internationalization in higher education. DAAD training course 21-29 September 2015, Hannover University, Hannover, Germany.