Ali Abdulrazzak Al-Dabbagh


College of Medicine

Department of Medical Education

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Dean of the College of Medicine HMU                             2010- 2022

Professor of Surgery HMU                                             2015

Consultant Surgeon Rizgary Teaching hospital                2009


Research interests: General surgery, Laparoscopy, Thyroid, Medical Education

MBChB (Salahaddin) Jun 1992  

FICMS (Baghdad) May 2000

CABS (Baghdad) Jan 2001

FRCS (London) 2016

FRCS (Glasgow) 2016

FACS 2020

Academic Titles:

  • Professor of Surgery, Hawler Medical University, May 2015
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery Hawler Medical University, May 2009
  • Lecturer General Surgery, Hawler Medical University, Oct 2001

Professional Titles:

  • Consultant General Surgeon, MoH KRG-Iraq Jan 2009
  • Specialist General Surgery MoH Iraq  Jan 2001

International Contributions:

  • Forging Scientific Relations between 2012-Present

 Halwer Medical University and Dundee School                                      of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing.

  • Member of the organizing committee of                  2012

EuroAmerican Multispeciality Summit,

Society of Laproendoscopic Surgery,Orlando USA.

  • Overseas board member of Tayside Institute      2015                         for Global Health
  • Fellow of the International College of Surgery       2006

National Contributions:

  • Member of the Iraqi Deans of Medical Schools        2012- Present

Local Contributions:

  • President of the 2nd International Scientific Conference 2017

of the College of Medicine/HMU

  • President of the 1st International Scientific Conference 2016

of the College of Medicine/HMU

  • Organizing Committee 3rd International                 2012

Conference of Medical Sciences/HMU.

  • Member of Editorial Board, Zanco Medical Journal     2012-2014
  • Head of HMU website development committee        2014-Present
  • Head of Curriculum development committee           2011-Present

, College of Medicine/HMU

  • Head of Accreditation Committee, College     2010- Present of Medicine/HMU

Examinership – Undergraduates:

  • Examiner for Final MBChB College of Medicine/HMU  2002-Present

Examinership – Postgraduates:       

  • Examiner for Diploma of Surgery College of Medicine 2004-Present

Hawler Medical University.

  • Examiner for Kurdistani Board of Surgery           2016


  • Member of the Court of Examiners Royal College of Surgeons London 2020

Lecturer and Supervisor:

  • General Surgery 3rd,4th,5th and 6th year                       2002- 2012

MBChB students, College of Medicine/HMU

  • Basic surgical skills course, Diploma of Surgery,      2004- 2012

College of Medicine/HMU

  • Basic surgical skill course, Iraqi Board of Surgery         2006-2012
  • Clinical training and research supervision,          2004- Present

Diploma of Surgery, College of Medicine/HMU

  • Clinical training and research supervision                        2010- Present

Iraqi Board of Surgery

Clinical training and research supervision                          2011- Present

Kurdistan Board of Surgery

  • Research co-supervision of PhD student in Medical  2013-2015


Membership of Societies:

  • Member of the Kurdistan Society of Surgeons 2017
  • Member Society of American and Gastrointestinal   2014- Present

and Endosocopic Surgeons SAGES.

  • Member of American Thyroid Association                2014- Present
  • Member of Society of Laproendoscopic Surgeons SLS 2010- Present
  • Fellow of the International College of Surgeons FICS   2006-2009



  • Dean of the College of Medicine/HMU                     2010- Present2022
  • Head of Postgraduate Unit, College of Medicine/HMU 2004-2010
  • Rapporteur of the Department of Surgery/HMU 2005-2006
  • Head of the Emergency & Accident unit,                    2003-2004

Rizgary Teaching Hospital.