Husen Ibrahim TAHA


College of Medicine

Department of Surgery

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Lecturer College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University

Consultant General Surgeon

Head of Department of Surgery, Emergency Hospital (EMC)


Supporting hospital doctors in the Middle East by email telemedicine: something the industrialized world can do to help
V Patterson, P Swinfen, R Swinfen, E Azzo, H Taha, R Wootton
Journal of medical Internet research 9 (4), e30.             48.    2007
Landmine injuries at the emergency management center in Erbil, Iraq
NP Shabila, HI Taha, TS Al-Hadithi
Conflict and health 4 (1), 15.                                          20.    2010
Patterns and factors associated with complications of laparotomy for firearm and blast injuries in the Emergency Management Centre in Erbil City
RMH SSA Husen Ibrahim Taha, Rawand M. Haweizy
ZJMS (Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences) 23 (2).                2019
Supporting Hospital Doctors in the Middle East by Email Telemedicine
V Patterson, P Swinfen, R Swinfen, E Azzo, H Taha, R Wootton
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 4 (11). 2006
Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection In Patients Underwent Endoscopy for Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Symptoms In Erbil
SSA Husen Ibrahim Taha
College of Medicine, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan.   1998

1. MRCSed: 2012 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

2. MSc. (High Diploma General Surgery): 1998:  College of Medicne, Salahaddin University - Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan

3. MBChB: 1989 Salahaddin University- Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan Lately name changed to  Halwer Medical University- Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan