Aska Faruq Jamal

Assistant Professor

College of Medicine

Department of Surgery

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Im specialist in diagnostic radiology ,lecturer at College of Medicine/HMU

Interested in GIT & OBGY subjects,delivering lectures on these subjects for 3rd & 4th stage medical sudents both practical & theory sessions since 3years

Also as aradiologist im working in Rizgary teaching hospital/department of radiology 

Google Scholar

1.Computed tomography scan findings in acute head trauma

2.Incidence of thyroid nodules in CT scan of chest

3.Accuracy of Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis;the article will be done by Radiology Diploma candidate

Ultrasonographiv Prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Morphology Among Women of Reproductive Age Group(accepted article,not published yet)

C.A.B.R(Committee of Arabic Board in Diagnostic Radiology)

M.B.Ch.B (College of medicine /Salahaddin University)