Jawhar Taher Omer

Assistant Professor

College of Medicine

Department of Basic Sciences

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Dr. Jawher is a graduate from Hawler Medical University/ college of medicine, he has a board degree from Iraqi board for medical specialisation in pathology from Baghdad.

Currently he is Assistant Professor of patholoy at college of medicine, involved in teaching and training courses of third stage pregraduate as well as post graduate students.

1. Cell blocks histopathology versus FNA cytology in diagnosis of primary malignant lung mass: A comparative study. Authors:Tenya T. Abdulhameed, Jawher Tahir Omer, Salah A. Ali. Publication date: April 2017. Journal:Zanco juornal of medical sciences. Volume: 21, Issue:1, Pages: 1601-1607. Publisher: Hawler Medical University.

2. P53 expression in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Authors: Noel Al-Sakkal,Luay Edward, Jawher Tahir Omer. Publication date: 2009. Institution:The Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization in Pathology.

3. P53 over expression in skin lesions: An immunohistochemical study.
Authors: Salah A. Ali, Yusra Abdulkhaliq Qasim, Jawher Tahir Omer.
Publication date: 2015. Journal: Zanco journal of medical sciences.
Volume:19, Issue:3, Pages: 1091-1095. Publisher: Hawler Medical University.
4. The Relationship between Lymph Node Metastasis and Some Clinicopathologic Variables In Mucinous and Non-Mucinous Colorectal adenocarcinoma. Authors: Dr. Jawher Tahir Omer, Dr. Tenya Tariq Abdulhameed. Publication date: 2017/12. Journal: Zanco journal of medical sciences. Volume:21, Issue: 3, Pages: 1840-1845. Publisher:Hawler Medical University.
5. Retrospective study of Hirschsprung's disease in Erbil city/Iraq during 2004–2016. Authors: SM Alnajjar, JT Omer, SA Ali. Journal:Medical Journal of Babylon 17 (2), 177.
6. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) in Thyroid Gland Lesions, How Accurate is it? A Correlation with Histopathology. Author: JT Omer. Journal: Diyala Journal of Medicine 19 (1), 95-102
7.Evaluation of laparoscopic appendectomy proficiency in the management
of acute appendicitis based on anatomy and pathologies. Authors:Suhel M. Najjar, Jawher Taher Aumer, Paiman Jamal Muhamad. Journal:Zanco J. Med. Sci., Vol. 25, No. (2), August, 2021, pages: 551-559.

1: M.B.ch.B (Salahaddin University-College of Medicine-June 1990- Erbil/Iraq).  

2. FICMS in Pathology (Iraqi Board in Pathology-2010- Baghdad/Iraq)