Yassin Ahmad Asaad

Assistant Professor

College of Medicine

Department of Community Medicine

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Lecturer in the department of community medicine. Coordinator of the department and member of both CPD and accreditation committees. He has experience in designing, planning, implementation and monitoring/ evaluation of public health programs and good capacity for research design, interviews, data collection and data analysis and interpretation.

Supervision of group of students researches covering most of the public health issues and community needs in Kurdistan region.


Quality of life among cancer patients treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy in Erbil city- An evaluation study
YAATSAH Awring M. Raoof, Selwa E. Yacoub
Cancer and Clinical Oncology 4
3 2015
Distribution of chronotypes among a sample of Iraqi Kurdish medical students
YA asaad
Sultan Qaboos University medical Journal
2 2014
Quality of life of type 2 diabetic patients in Erbil city
YA Asaad, SM Othman, SA Ismail, TS Al-Hadithi
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences 23 (1), 35-42
Energy drinks consumption in Erbil city: A population based study
YA Asaad
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences 21 (2), 1680-1687
Body weight and eating habits of school students in Kore sub-district of Erbil: A cross-sectional study
TS Al-Hadithi, AM Raouf, KH Ismail, YA Asaad
Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences 19 (2), 942-948
Body weight and eating habits of school students in Kore sub-district of Erbil: A cross sectional study
TSAH Yassin Ahmad Asa`ad, Kameran Hassan Ismail, Awring Marouf Raouf
Zanco medical Journal
Distribution of Chronotypes among a Sample of Iraqi Kurdish Medical Students= توزع نوع البيولوجيا الزمنية لدى عينة من طلاب الطب الكرد العراقيين
AM Raoof, YA Asaad, TS Al-Hadithi
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 22 (2595), 1-5
Patients` attitude towards medical students clinical examination in Erbil Teaching hospital/ iraq
YAA Samir Mahmood Othman, Sherzad Ali Ismail
Tikrit medical Journal 140
1- Patient’s attitude and preference toward medical students’ clinical examination in Maternity Teaching Hos pital in Erbil City
YAA Sherzad Ali Ismael*, Samir Mahmood Othman*
3rd International Conf erence f or Medical Sciences Proceeding Book 1
Safe line anatomy teaching in College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University
SM Najjar, SM Othman, YA Asaad, SJ Sharif

Master degree in Community Medicine from College of Medicine, Slahaddin University.

Participation in teaching process of undergraduate and postgraduate students, with the supervision of students researches.