Lajan Qasim Rahman


College of Medicine

Department of Basic Sciences

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Immunity of Cardiovascular System

AA Bakir, PK Kudhur, LQ Rahman, “Identification of Oligella ureolytica from Formalin-Embalmed Cadavers”, ZJPAS, Vol. 29 No. s4 pp. 101 – 112, 2017

Lajan Qasim Rahman, Salah Hassan Yousf, Ruqaya Muhammed Al Barzinji. Testosterone level in angiographically detected coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. Diyala Journal of Medicine. 2016:Vol. 10, Issue 1; 29-35

B.Sc. Biology - College of Sciences - Salahaddin University 2009

M.Sc. Micriobiology - College of Medicine - Hawler Medical University 2015