Zinah Adnan Alaabed


College of Medicine

Department of Basic Sciences

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Haematology specialist holding both MBChB and Board Degree in Haematology (FIBMS Haematology)

Was assigned as a lecturer in Hawler College of Medicine, department of Pathology, in Novemeber 2006, providing theoretical and laboratory sessions to both under and post graduate medical trainees. 

Also, worked at the haematology departments in Jumhori General Medical Hospital and Mamon Al-Dabagh Centre as per contract with the medical health directorate and as part of the college contract. 

Screening of hyperfibrinolysis in patients with chronic liver diseases as part of the haematology board requirements in 2004

Prevalence of Haemoglobinopathies and Iron Deficiency Anaemia Among Marying Couples in Erbil Province in Iraq 2012. 

Assessment of Plasma Fibrinogen and Von Willebrand Factor levels in adults diabetic patients in Erbil; 2015 - 2016

Student supervised: Azhin Sharf Faraj 

Prevalence of Haemoglobinopathies and Iron Deficiency Anaemia Among Marying Couples in Erbil Province in Iraq 2012. 


FIBMS Haematology (Iraqi Board of Haematology)

Doctor and Lecturer at Hawler Medical University - College of Medicine.