Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad


College of Medicine

Department of Basic Sciences

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Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim has earned his PhD degree in molecular biology from college of medicine hawler medical university in 2012. 

He recieved MSc degree in medical microbiology (college of medicine) in 2004.

He recieved BSc in biology at college of science Salahaddin Univrsity.

He is a lecturer in department of anatomy and histology.For now he gives courses in genetics to first stage medical students and he taught moleculer biology and genetics courses for MSc and PhD students. 

1- Molecular study and assessment of the medicinal potential of the Lipidium sativum plant extracts against antibiotic resistance of E. coli

Medical J. of islamic world academy of sciences

vol. 20(3),98-105   2012


2- Lytic activity of bactriophage against Pseudomonas aeroginosa isolated from patients with CSOM

CBMTS -industry Vll ; world congress on threat and terrorism  2011




PhD in moleculer biology and genetics/Hawler medical uniersity/ college of medicine/ 2012.

MSc in medical microbiology/ HMU- college of medicine/ 2004.

BSc in Biology (microbiology)/ Salahaddin university/ college of science/ 1999.


professional membership:

Syndicate of biology member.