Yasin Kreem Amin


College of Medicine

Department of Basic Sciences

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 Professional Qualifications of Dr. Yasin Kareem Amin

  • M.B.Ch.B degree of College of Medicine in Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq, 1990. 
  • MSc. in Anatomy and Histology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq, 2002. 
  • Ph.D. in Anatomy and Histology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq, 2009. 
  • High Diploma in Forensic Anthropology, College of Medicine, The University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, United Kingdom. 

 Teaching activities, qualifications and skills:

Dr. Yasin Kareem Amin is the general director of Medical Research Center of Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq.

He teaches differnet courses including:

  • Anatomy
  • Embryology
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Forensic Anthropology

He has more than 10 publications at international conferences. His current research is mainly focused on Anatomy, in particular male infertility, mass grave and humanitarian with ICRC, ICMP, UN, RCLO, in cooperationg wtih (USACE), Ministry of Human Rights, Iraq, and in cooperation with PHR (Physicians for Human Rights - New York) about (Building Forensic Capacity), Women and repsorductive hfealth and rehabiltiion to vialence against women. 

Further more his current work with health of Peshmarga and have research activities about chemical attack in the battle Peshmarga with isis.

Moreover, he has researches about mass grave of kurdish people and Genocide of christian people in Sorea Village in Iraqi Kurdistan region. 

Training courses and Conferences:

  • Teaching, One month, University of Salahaddin / Hawler, 2003.
  • Forensic Anthropology, one year (2005), Bournemouth, United Kingdom. 
  • Computer (Word and Excel), One month(2003), University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Forensic Medicine, 6 months (2000), University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq.
  • Forensic training course, 2 weeks (2003), RCLO- Baghdad, Iraq. 
  • Meeting Current Demands In Forensic Medicine, 2 weeks (2007), Irbid-Jordan.
  • Crime Scene Investigation, 10 daysJLI- Amman, Jordon. 
  • Methods in Criminal investigation, 2 days, AUST- Beirut, Lebanon. 
  •  Short Course in Forensic Genetics, 20 days, UCLAN- Preston, United Kingdom. 
  • Genocide and Mass grave Investigation, 10 days (2010), Bosnia.
  • Mass grave Excavation (ICMP)2 weeks (2011), Erbil, Iraq. 
  • Violence Against Women, 2 Weeks AMAR Foundition, , Erbil, Iraq. 
  • (The missing : An agenda for the future), 2013, Netherland.
  • (Istanbul training protocol on the effective medical documentation of Torture And Ill treatment in Iraq ), 2013, Turkey. 
  • International Conference of  Baghdad, 3 days, Baghdad, Iraq. 
  • International Conference of Genocide and Mass grave, 3 dsys, Erbil, Iraq. 
  • Impacts of Chemical Weapons Exposure in Kurdistan Region-Iraq: Complications and health Consequences), 2012 Research, Geneva Conference (UN). 

 Presented thesis\ researches:

  • Age Changes of Kidney Dimension in Erbil Population by Ultrasound  , (M.Sc.) Thesis, 2002.
  • The Association of Male Infertility With  Obesity and  Some Infertility Related Parameters,(Ph.D.) Thesis, 2009.
  • The Relation of Opium Addiction and Reproductive Toxicity in Male Rats: A histological and Hormonal Study,Zanco vol. 17, No.(1). 2013, research, 2013.
  • Oxidative stress and some cellular blood variables in Morphine addicted female rats, Tikrit Medical Science Vol.18No.2  Des 2012, research, 2012.
  • Screening of IgM and IgG against Cytomegalovirus, Rubella and Toxoplasma infection in aborted women  in erbil province- Iraqi Kurdistan Region,  Ref. No:HUM-M022, Date:18/9/2012, research, 2012.
  • Effects of N-Acetylcystien and Selenium on Methionin Induced ovary and uterus histological damage and oxidative stress in rats. Ref.:107, Date25/4/2013 Code No. DJM 2013, 107/1702, research, 2013.
  • FTIC-Lectin Binding Profile on Sperm tructures of Fertile and Infertile Men With and Without Obesity, (International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Vol. 2 Issue.2 , 2014), research, 2014.
  • The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Semen Quality of Infertile and Fertile Men With  Regard the Body Mass, (International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Vol. 2 Issue.3 , 2014, research, 2014.
  • Forensic Investigation of Two Mass Graves Skeletal Remains in Sorya- Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Sent to Fatikan Embassy, research, 2014.

 Career activities

  1. 1991 –1993 junior house officer in ( Medical , Maternity , Pediatric and Teaching Hospital in Sulaimani )
  2. 1993- 1994 as a rural doctor in Bakrajo and directorate of Health Center.
  3. 1994 – 1996 senior house officer of the surgery Dept. of Urology.
  4. 1996 – 1999 as a general practicing in Urology Dept. of Teaching Hospital in Erbil .
  5. 2002 till now, I am a lecturer of anatomy, histology and forensic medicine at college of Medicine - HMU.
  6. Prime minister advisor of KRG in 1997
  7. Advisor of ministry of Martyrs and Anfals KRG
  8. Director of Medico legal Institute- KRG


Other activities:

  1. Working with Dr. Muhamad (Ministers of humen Right) on cases of (INVETROY) of 513 Barzanis 1988 in (Buseia) south of Iraq.
  2. Working on the (14) mass graves cases in Chwarqurna.
  3. Working on the (65) mass graves cases in Shakhi/ Duhok.
  4. Working on the mass graves in Hatar in cooperation with RCLO
  5. Working on the (168) cases of children’s in mass graves of Topzawa.
  6. Working on the (46) mass graves cases in Dbuiz in cooperation with ministry of Human rights- Iraq
  7. Working on the (48) mass graves cases in Muslim and Christian Sorya
  8. Working on the (14) mass graves cases in Chwarqurna
  9. Working on the (385) mass graves cases in Mahari
  10. Working on the (17) mass graves cases in Xanaqeen
  11. Working on the (7) mass graves cases in Halabja
  12. Working on the (93) of Barzanian mass graves cases in Busaya
  13. Working on the (5) cases of deportation in mass graves in Erbil- asphalt company.
  14. Presenting A seminar under the title of (Impacts of Chemical Weapons Exposure in Kurdistan Region-Iraq: Complications and health Consequences) in Geneva Conference (UN) (19-9-2012).
  15. Working on the (49) cases ofchild deportation in mass graves in Dubiz with cooperation of Ministry of Human rights –Iraq
    • Working on the (56) children cases of deportation in mass graves in Nugra Salman.

17- workshop about DNA analysis by ICMP 6-7/ 2 /2013

  1. 18- conference about Forensic Science and the Investigation of Atrocity and crimes and Mass Fatalities  10-12-11 / 2012 UK London

    19-Workshop about Iraq expert working grave meeting 12-13 May 2013  ICMP

  2. 20- Second Conference of Genocide – Erbil 16-18 April 2011 Presented research of  Forensic investigation at two mass groups Nainawa Province  Hatra conducted by (RCLO) with cooperation of (USACE)

    21. Conference attended fourth coming conference Inforce foundation UK Bournemouth university 22/3/2011

    22. First International conference in Britain on the Kurdish Genocide in Iraq 17 January 2013 London

    23. Attend to meeting of UK Parliament in 28 / 2/ 2012 about Kurdish genocide

    24. Workshop about how can writing to Forensic Report to Ministry of Justice and Police investigator 29 -30 / 4/ 2013

    25. Workshop about DNA to staff of Medico legal institute of Baghdad   10-12/2013  Erbil

    26. Excavation of Mass grave of Hamrin with  ICMP 27/2/2012

    27. Workshop about Forensic Medicine and mass grave in Erbil to university of Koya and Soran 6/2/2012

    28. Workshop about mass grave for ministry of human rights of Baghdad and ICMP ministry of health 10/5/2012

    29. Workshop about sample collects of blood from family victim of mass grave Kirkuk 7-9/7/2012 for ministry of health of Iraq in Kirkuk

    30. Excavation of mass grave of Mahari south of Iraq 27/5/2012

    31. Workshop about Sample Collection ICMP 8/5/2013

    32. Basic Forensic Archeology Forensic Anthropology course which we delivered in partnership with Medical legal Institute, the ministry of martyrs and Anfal and ministry of human rights in Erbil 27 January to 5 February 2011

    33.International Congress on reform and development of the health care system of family victim Kurdistan Iraq 2-4/2/201

 34- Workshop about Sample Collection ICMP 8/5/2013 

35- Workshop about autopsy and take sample during autopsy by Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilshad Shaker Assist. Prof. UK 2-3/4/2013

36- Workshop about violence against women for Police Officer 26-27/5/ 2014

37- Lectures about forensic medicine to ministry of justice 31/3/2013 – 15/5/2013

38- Lectures about forensic medicine to ministry of justice 2014 – 2015 

39- DNA analysis of mass grave course with steps of genocide on (20 – 27) – 11- 2010 in Busina

40- Chemical attack in Mass grave course for 3 day in Baghdad Ministry of human right 25-1-2012

41- Excavation of two Mass grave of company of asphalt on 2011 in  Erbil

42- Deportation of 730 cause of women and child mass Grave javaity area in Dokan  2012

43- Working group meeting ICMP about genocide   6-7 February, 2013

44-( Certificate of Attendance   short course in forensic genetics) Hosted by the school forensic and  investigation sciences, University of central Lacashire Preston on  8 – 19 Abr., 2011 in uclan – Preston, UK

45- Committee of chemical attach during sadam regime against Kurdish people 19-4-2015

46- workshop about Violence against women by ministry of justice on 19Feb.,2013                       

47- Work shop forensic genetic and mass grave on 12-13 May, 2013 in  ICMP

48- Forensic Medicine for  6 months (2000) in   University of Salahaddin / Hawler

49- Forensic training course for 2 weeks (2003)in  RCLO- Baghdad

50- Meeting Current Demands in Forensic  Irbid-Jordan about Genocide for 2 weeks (2007)

 51-Crime Scene Investigation for 10 days in  Jordan- Amman

52- Methods in Criminal investigation for 2 days in AUST- Beirut

53- Forensic investigation of barzin 513 mass graves skeletal remains in busaya Desert –Samawa - Iraq.  (Research) Presented University Sulemani – Research Centre 29-30-2015

54- Working on the (168) cases of children’s deportation in Mass Grave in Topzawa .

55- Second Supervisor of student doctoral research at the International Max planck Research School Relation , Mediation and Punishment, located at the Max plank Institute for Social Anthropology and the Department of Anthropology and Philosophy at the University of Halle, Germany  Research project titled ( Negotiating Social Justice in Ba th Iraq:  first supervisor  Prof. Dr. Richard Rottenburg  1-7-2012         

    56- Worked with Prof. P Willey Senior Anthropologist September 20 - 2014 International Team of forensic scientists documenting an event in Ninawa involving mass grave. 

57- Impacts of Chemical Weapons Exposure in Kurdistan Region-Iraq: Complications and health Consequences   Agenda Of Geneva Conference On Definition with Crimes of dictatorial regime in Iraq in Geneva on 19-9-2012

58- (The missing person : An agenda for the future )  2013  Nederland

  59- (Istanbul training protocol on the effective medical documentation of Torture And Ill treatment in Iraq ) 2013  Turkeya                                                                         

60- Date collection efforts relating to reports of the missing person( 2-6)-2-2013 ICMP Erbil  

61- Presented lecture about Kurdish Genocide  Paris 22-3-2008

62- Development of the forensic capacity of Iraqi and Kurdistan Region instituted 15 feb 2017

63- Management of death and armed conflict violence against women  in the Kurdistan region ICRC 22-APRIL 2O16

64- The Second International Genocide Conference International University of Erbil with Medical Research Center Hawler Medical University( 16-17)-2017                                                                                

 65- Collection and Management of Ante- Mortem Date for Human Identification Purposes( 8-10)  2017 ICRC      

66-Work shop to Support the families in need of recovering the human remains of their deceased relatives for proceeding with the burial in a dignified manner. With International humanitarian law (IHL).   26-March-2017 ICRC

67-How To Document Violence Against Women And Other Family Member From Medico legal View Medical Research Center Hawler Medical University with Ministry of Health( 14-17) – 2015 Kurdistan Erbil      

68-Mangenment of the Mass Grave of the Kurdistan region 25-0ctubar 2016 ICRC  

69-Workshop on (Building Forensic Capacity to Document and Analyze Evidence of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, and Genocide in Iraq) ( 25-27) April 2017  attend by PHR (Physicians for Human Rights New York  panel Discussion : Existing Medico-legal Capacity to Document Human Rights in Iraq presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. yasin kareem amin             

70-Workshope for the development of their forensic capacity to participate in one week visit to the committee of Missing Person (CMP) AND Anthropology Laboratory in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 28 November to 3 December 2016      

71- Workshop for the development of their forensic capacity to participate in one week visit to the committee of Missing Person (CMP) AND Anthropology Laboratory in Kuwait  from( 28 -1- to 1-2) 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        







  • Age Changes of Kidney Dimension in Erbil Population by Ultrasound  , (M.Sc.) Thesis, 2002.
  • The Association of Male Infertility With  Obesity and  Some Infertility Related Parameters,(Ph.D.) Thesis, 2009.
  • The Relation of Opium Addiction and Reproductive Toxicity in Male Rats: A histological and Hormonal Study,Zanco vol. 17, No.(1). 2013, research, 2013.
  • Oxidative stress and some cellular blood variables in Morphine addicted female rats, Tikrit Medical Science Vol.18No.2  Des 2012, research, 2012.
  • Screening of IgM and IgG against Cytomegalovirus, Rubella and Toxoplasma infection in aborted women  in erbil province- Iraqi Kurdistan Region,  Ref. No:HUM-M022, Date:18/9/2012, research, 2012.
  • Effects of N-Acetylcystien and Selenium on Methionin Induced ovary and uterus histological damage and oxidative stress in rats. Ref.:107, Date25/4/2013 Code No. DJM 2013, 107/1702, research, 2013.
  • FTIC-Lectin Binding Profile on Sperm tructures of Fertile and Infertile Men With and Without Obesity, (International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Vol. 2 Issue.2 , 2014), research, 2014.
  • The Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Semen Quality of Infertile and Fertile Men With  Regard the Body Mass, (International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Vol. 2 Issue.3 , 2014, research, 2014.
  • Forensic Investigation of Two Mass Graves Skeletal Remains in Sorya- Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Sent to Fatikan Embassy, research, 2014

Professional Qualifications of Dr. Yasin Kareem Amin

  • M.B.Ch.B degree of College of Medicine in Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq, 1990. 
  • MSc. in Anatomy and Histology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq, 2002. 
  • Ph.D. in Anatomy and Histology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq, 2009. 
  • High Diploma in Forensic Anthropology, College of Medicine, The University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, United Kingdom. 

Career activities

  1. 1991 –1993 junior house officer in ( Medical , Maternity , Pediatric and Teaching Hospital in Sulaimani )
  2. 1993- 1994 as a rural doctor in Bakrajo and directorate of Health Center.
  3. 1994 – 1996 senior house officer of the surgery Dept. of Urology.
  4. 1996 – 1999 as a general practicing in Urology Dept. of Teaching Hospital in Erbil .
  5. 2002 till now, I am a lecturer of anatomy, histology and forensic medicine at college of Medicine - HMU.
  6. Prime minister advisor of KRG in 1997
  7. Advisor of ministry of Martyrs and Anfals KRG
  8. Director of Medico legal Institute- KRG


Other activities:

  1. Working with Dr. Muhamad (Ministers of humen Right) on cases of (INVETROY) of 513 Barzanis 1988 in (Buseia) south of Iraq.
  2. Working on the (14) mass graves cases in Chwarqurna.
  3. Working on the (65) mass graves cases in Shakhi/ Duhok.
  4. Working on the mass graves in Hatar in cooperation with RCLO
  5. Working on the (168) cases of children’s in mass graves of Topzawa.
  6. Working on the (46) mass graves cases in Dbuiz in cooperation with ministry of Human rights- Iraq
  7. Working on the (48) mass graves cases in Muslim and Christian Sorya
  8. Working on the (14) mass graves cases in Chwarqurna
  9. Working on the (385) mass graves cases in Mahari
  10. Working on the (17) mass graves cases in Xanaqeen
  11. Working on the (7) mass graves cases in Halabja
  12. Working on the (93) of Barzanian mass graves cases in Busaya
  13. Working on the (5) cases of deportation in mass graves in Erbil- asphalt company.
  14. Presenting A seminar under the title of (Impacts of Chemical Weapons Exposure in Kurdistan Region-Iraq: Complications and health Consequences) in Geneva Conference (UN) (19-9-2012).
  15. Working on the (49) cases ofchild deportation in mass graves in Dubiz with cooperation of Ministry of Human rights –Iraq
    • Working on the (56) children cases of deportation in mass graves in Nugra Salman.

17- workshop about DNA analysis by ICMP 6-7/ 2 /2013

  1. 18- conference about Forensic Science and the Investigation of Atrocity and crimes and Mass Fatalities  10-12-11 / 2012 UK London

    19-Workshop about Iraq expert working grave meeting 12-13 May 2013  ICMP

  2. 20- Second Conference of Genocide – Erbil 16-18 April 2011 Presented research of  Forensic investigation at two mass groups Nainawa Province  Hatra conducted by (RCLO) with cooperation of (USACE)

    21. Conference attended fourth coming conference Inforce foundation UK Bournemouth university 22/3/2011

    22. First International conference in Britain on the Kurdish Genocide in Iraq 17 January 2013 London

    23. Attend to meeting of UK Parliament in 28 / 2/ 2012 about Kurdish genocide

    24. Workshop about how can writing to Forensic Report to Ministry of Justice and Police investigator 29 -30 / 4/ 2013

    25. Workshop about DNA to staff of Medico legal institute of Baghdad   10-12/2013  Erbil

    26. Excavation of Mass grave of Hamrin with  ICMP 27/2/2012

    27. Workshop about Forensic Medicine and mass grave in Erbil to university of Koya and Soran 6/2/2012

    28. Workshop about mass grave for ministry of human rights of Baghdad and ICMP ministry of health 10/5/2012

    29. Workshop about sample collects of blood from family victim of mass grave Kirkuk 7-9/7/2012 for ministry of health of Iraq in Kirkuk

    30. Excavation of mass grave of Mahari south of Iraq 27/5/2012

    31. Workshop about Sample Collection ICMP 8/5/2013

    32. Basic Forensic Archeology Forensic Anthropology course which we delivered in partnership with Medical legal Institute, the ministry of martyrs and Anfal and ministry of human rights in Erbil 27 January to 5 February 2011

    33.International Congress on reform and development of the health care system of family victim Kurdistan Iraq 2-4/2/201

 34- Workshop about Sample Collection ICMP 8/5/2013 

35- Workshop about autopsy and take sample during autopsy by Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilshad Shaker Assist. Prof. UK 2-3/4/2013

36- Workshop about violence against women for Police Officer 26-27/5/ 2014

37- Lectures about forensic medicine to ministry of justice 31/3/2013 – 15/5/2013

38- Lectures about forensic medicine to ministry of justice 2014 – 2015 

39- DNA analysis of mass grave course with steps of genocide on (20 – 27) – 11- 2010 in Busina

40- Chemical attack in Mass grave course for 3 day in Baghdad Ministry of human right 25-1-2012

41- Excavation of two Mass grave of company of asphalt on 2011 in  Erbil

42- Deportation of 730 cause of women and child mass Grave javaity area in Dokan  2012

43- Working group meeting ICMP about genocide   6-7 February, 2013

44-( Certificate of Attendance   short course in forensic genetics) Hosted by the school forensic and  investigation sciences, University of central Lacashire Preston on  8 – 19 Abr., 2011 in uclan – Preston, UK

45- Committee of chemical attach during sadam regime against Kurdish people 19-4-2015

46- workshop about Violence against women by ministry of justice on 19Feb.,2013                       

47- Work shop forensic genetic and mass grave on 12-13 May, 2013 in  ICMP

48- Forensic Medicine for  6 months (2000) in   University of Salahaddin / Hawler

49- Forensic training course for 2 weeks (2003)in  RCLO- Baghdad

50- Meeting Current Demands in Forensic  Irbid-Jordan about Genocide for 2 weeks (2007)

 51-Crime Scene Investigation for 10 days in  Jordan- Amman

52- Methods in Criminal investigation for 2 days in AUST- Beirut

53- Forensic investigation of barzin 513 mass graves skeletal remains in busaya Desert –Samawa - Iraq.  (Research) Presented University Sulemani – Research Centre 29-30-2015

54- Working on the (168) cases of children’s deportation in Mass Grave in Topzawa .

55- Second Supervisor of student doctoral research at the International Max planck Research School Relation , Mediation and Punishment, located at the Max plank Institute for Social Anthropology and the Department of Anthropology and Philosophy at the University of Halle, Germany  Research project titled ( Negotiating Social Justice in Ba th Iraq:  first supervisor  Prof. Dr. Richard Rottenburg  1-7-2012         

    56- Worked with Prof. P Willey Senior Anthropologist September 20 - 2014 International Team of forensic scientists documenting an event in Ninawa involving mass grave. 

57- Impacts of Chemical Weapons Exposure in Kurdistan Region-Iraq: Complications and health Consequences   Agenda Of Geneva Conference On Definition with Crimes of dictatorial regime in Iraq in Geneva on 19-9-2012

58- (The missing person : An agenda for the future )  2013  Nederland

  59- (Istanbul training protocol on the effective medical documentation of Torture And Ill treatment in Iraq ) 2013  Turkeya                                                                         

60- Date collection efforts relating to reports of the missing person( 2-6)-2-2013 ICMP Erbil  

61- Presented lecture about Kurdish Genocide  Paris 22-3-2008

62- Development of the forensic capacity of Iraqi and Kurdistan Region instituted 15 feb 2017

63- Management of death and armed conflict violence against women  in the Kurdistan region ICRC 22-APRIL 2O16

64- The Second International Genocide Conference International University of Erbil with Medical Research Center Hawler Medical University( 16-17)-2017                                                                                

 65- Collection and Management of Ante- Mortem Date for Human Identification Purposes( 8-10)  2017 ICRC      

66-Work shop to Support the families in need of recovering the human remains of their deceased relatives for proceeding with the burial in a dignified manner. With International humanitarian law (IHL).   26-March-2017 ICRC

67-How To Document Violence Against Women And Other Family Member From Medico legal View Medical Research Center Hawler Medical University with Ministry of Health( 14-17) – 2015 Kurdistan Erbil      

68-Mangenment of the Mass Grave of the Kurdistan region 25-0ctubar 2016 ICRC  

69-Workshop on (Building Forensic Capacity to Document and Analyze Evidence of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, and Genocide in Iraq) ( 25-27) April 2017  attend by PHR (Physicians for Human Rights New York  panel Discussion : Existing Medico-legal Capacity to Document Human Rights in Iraq presented by Assist. Prof. Dr. yasin kareem amin             

70-Workshope for the development of their forensic capacity to participate in one week visit to the committee of Missing Person (CMP) AND Anthropology Laboratory in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 28 November to 3 December 2016      

71- Workshop for the development of their forensic capacity to participate in one week visit to the committee of Missing Person (CMP) AND Anthropology Laboratory in Kuwait  from( 28 -1- to 1-2) 2017